Divorcing smarter

There is a lot of the unknown when it comes divorce. It can be hard, emotionally draining, and complex, as well as the added financial strain of filing. Whilst Hollywood may have you believing that divorce incorporates you fighting it out in court, there are many other avenues and dispute resolutions available that you can proceed with and in fact Court proceedings should be a last resort.

The focus for dispute resolution is to improve relationships between both parties who are going through a separation or divorce. Dispute resolution gives both parties the opportunity to have their say and maintain control whilst forming a mutually agreed upon agreement.

Utilising these resolutions has many other positives, including improving the chances of the agreement lasting into the future and learning more effective ways to communicate with the other party. Dispute resolution is a more affordable, time effective and a less stressful avenue.

There are various resolutions you can proceed with including Family Counselling, Family Dispute resolution, Conciliation, Mediation, Post Separation Parenting Program and Arbitration.

If an agreement is reached throughout any one of these avenues, you and the other party/ies can discontinue the Court proceedings and enter into a parenting plan or file consent orders with the Court.

At Duffy & Simon, we look at every matter of separation and divorce as case by case and apply what we believe will be the best process of resolution possible.

If your wanting more information on the avenues available for you simply click here or to discuss further your options contact us today.

The focus for is to improve relationships between both parties who are going through a separation or divorce. Dispute resolution gives both parties the opportunity to have their say and maintain control whilst forming a mutually agreed upon agreement. Duffy & Simon Lawyers